Pillars of Our Temple

To advance causes that we believe in and create the world that is Amazon friendly and is shaped by Amazons. It is our duty to watch for kindred Amazon spirit to join us.

All Amazons must seek knowledge. Be you self-learned or educated formally, you will gather knowledge and continually stretch your mind. Amazons are not slaves to dogma!

Amazons are loyal to the sisterhood. We support each other and love each other. Every child of a sister is a child of the sisterhood.

We are spiritual creatures. Every Amazon defines her own spirituality. We don't accept dogma blindly and we are seekers of our own expression of spirituality. Each meeting shall begin with a 5-minute meditation. Religious rivalries are not tolerated.

Pass on the Amazon philosophy to young Amazons. Every child of a sister is a child of the sisterhood. Every Amazon is part of this extended family. The African proverb "It takes a village to raise a child" is so true! In our Amazon village, we will reinforce the mother's teachings. We will mentor our children and each other regardless of age.

Try to judge evenhandedly, to keep all things in balance. Try to correct injustices as you feel able.

Every Amazon is a creative being. Even if you don't know what your talent is, it is there. Begin a quest to discover your creative self. Find an outlet to express your creativity.

To ensure the survival of the Amazon sisterhood. End economic dependency on men. Support each other in business, entrepreneurship is our cornerstone.

Aide Others
To assist others when possible. Be careful not to make somebody else's problems your own! Make sure that that person is trying to help herself.

Strong Body
Protect our health. Without health, we have nothing. Principle Methods: martial arts, yoga, ballet, hiking, swimming, and skiing.

Never to be forgotten. We listen to each other, and we hear each other. No one person's opinion is more valuable than another's. Ours is an egalitarian Xociety.


Come join us at our next meeting:
Thursday, April 1, 7:00 p.m.

First Unitarian Universalist Church, 5200 Fannin (at Southmore), Room 207.
Contact the Amazon Xociety at: strongflower@yahoo.com or Bernadine Williams, 713/731-0251

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