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or on under "Politics/Satire"
Contact: Emily Nghiem 713-867-5998

	We bought the Black vote
	And sold it as democracy
	We court Latinos
	And pimp the poor minorities

	Why point our fingers
	Blinded by hypocrisy?
	Make war with George Bush
	Demanding peace across the sea!

		If Democrats
		Gave half-a rat's ass
		We'd quit our fake campaigns
		And make real change

	We won't ban weapons
	So any fool can use a gun,
	But with abortion
	We'll stop you from choosing one!

	We blame poor Muslims
	For problems in the Middle East,
	While Corporations
	Destroy the Planet, out of Greed!

Download: Music Track or Sample Demo


Inspired by "Heresy" by NIN


Republicans! Put down your guns! Stop your hate campaigns Create real change! Hey Green Party And Tea Party: Team up and unite The Left and Right!
We wasted millions To clean up Occupy's big mess. We could have paid for Student loans and homes for Vets! We'd end world hunger Building clinics, banks and schools With all the money Rights and freedoms we abuse! Hey Occupants, Take down your tents! Pay back all your debts! There's no free rent!


Instead of saving Historic sites and businesses, We donate billions To fund campaigns for offices. Let's fix the Border, Build factories and hospitals As restitution From Corporate fraud and criminals!
Hey Candidates, Don't add more debts! Stop entitlements At our expense! Make Government Collect back on our debts! Find out where it went, Buy land instead! Hey Democrats, Get off your [backs]! Stop your lame campaigns, Let's make real change. Republicans, Put down your guns! Stop your hate campaigns, Invest in change!


Student Contest: Create a winning music video to raise funds for student jobs, rebuilding the Economy one neighborhood at a time. Organize your own Community Campus team, integrating housing and health care.

To organize local health care and business services under Independent Currency: or
For more information on the Community Campus Model (written by public housing Resident Council under HOPE VI, HUD reform) contact: Emily Nghiem (713)820-5130 or Lenwood Johnson (281)709-3001
Save National History: Vet Housing Campus Plan, Freedmen's Town

End poverty through microlending and business training
Grameen Foundation, Dallas * Microbusiness USA, Florida
Create Jobs for Starving Actors:
* Juliet & Romeo - Musical Screwball Tragedy
* Redwood Songbook: Rock Protest against Corporate Destruction of Forest Wildlife
* Girls in Government: Reformation Rock Movement
More Political Songs and Spoofs | Tree of Life Poetry Circle | Houston Progressive