Lyrics to Song Three (and to Ogoni Song) were inspired by David Bowie's songwriting contest. In the future, I might endeavor to convert the following poems into the dreaded "Italian Sonnet" format. At this point, however, I am content to invent the term "American Sonnet" for poems I'm too lazy to finish editing. In the meantime, they remain closer to their original form as either 16 or 12 lines (in even groups of 4, or "abba" - like the Swedish rock group).

Song Three (in progress)

Standing by a waterfall, beneath the Sistine Chapel,
We sank beneath the apple tree, right before the Fall.
Somehow through the centuries, our love was lost forever.
Where are all the memories that you don't recall?
The Sonnets of Elizabeth spoke of love beyond death,
But time has turned the page as if we never loved at all.
I flew to New Jerusalem, immortal lovers filled the skies,
But now my flesh comes back to you as someone you despise.
You were my Eve my everything, my lover when I was Jefferson
The wild mare in Marilyn, my favorite porcelain doll.
We're written in the Bible, painted on the Taj Mahal;
Our names are carved in Africa, and on the Berlin Wall.

Song Four (Part I)

I want to be anonymous as the air you breathe,
The mermaid dancing for her Prince, on her tender feet.
The ocean calls; before I leave and blend into the sea,
I want to give you one last kiss, in mem'ry of forsaken bliss,
My teardrops on your cheek, your lips.
I'd give my place among the saints to fill your smallest need:
I long to be the cigarette that parts your tender lip,
The gentle skylight in your eyes, the heartbeat that you skip,
The mischief hiding in your smile, the knowing hand you hold;
To reach into your Spirit, and touch your very Soul.
Let my love be your Salvation, make us both complete:
Take what's lonely, make it whole. Make what's bitter, sweet.
Take what's lifeless, make it golden. Set my spirit free.
Let me be to you, my Darling, all you are to me.

II - Prayer for friendship and forgiveness

I love you for your honesty, the softness of your chest,
And although God said no to me, to you my heart said yes.
I love the feeling when you rest
Your golden head upon my breast,
Your deep blue eyes, the playful, gentle touch of your caress.
Though God above was more the wise, my foolish heart said yes.

I love the way, without a word, you sweetly ask for sex,
For had I been like other girls, I would have been your next.
Though to God's will, my own deferred, my heart was crying - yes.

You pulled me close between your knees,
Waking my desire to please.
I longed to wrap my arms, my legs
Around you to embrace your hips,
Your back, from neck to waist,
Until I knew with hungry lips your sweet and salty taste
Instead I knelt and wept and begged for strength to walk away.
Before we parted company, you made a woman out of me,
For even though my words said no, my soul had aquiesced.

In God's eyes I must depart from weakness I confess,
For had you offered me your heart, I would have answered yes.
Can we now let true friendship start? I pray you will say yes,
And trust in God to then impart the blessings He deems best.

Will you be my friend in Christ,
Redeeming with His sacrifice
My Soul, whose shameful sin and suff'ring
Next to Him mean next to nothing?

With His Grace, let love take place of fear and selfishness,
That in God's hands at last my heart is free to tell you yes.

Sonnet One Tree of Life Poem Song Two Love Song
Ode to Shakespeare Songs Seven & Eight

Tree of Life Poetry Circle
Houston Progressive Webzine
Editor: Emily Nghiem
Graphics Courtesy of (c) C. Johnston 1997-99